Ensemble vocal’s latest programme is called “aeternitas” – eternity. Artists of all times, poets and composers prominent among them, have been drawn to the problem of how to relate the obvious limitations of a human lifetime to what may precede or succeed it.
Those who know us won’t be surprised to hear that once again we place a special focus on how contemporary composers approach the topic, contrasted by selected insights into rennaissance, early baroque or romantic settings. This allows us to look at the topic from various points of view and to present a diverse and inspired choral programme.
“Aeternitas” will be performed on Friday, June 8 at 19:30 at the Dreifaltigkeitskirche (Trinity Church) in Hamburg-Hamm. See dates.
A month after that, we’ll take the programme to the widely renowned festival “Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod“, where we’ll also participate in the festival’s international choral competition. It goes without saying that this will also include a number of cheerful and serene experiences, not only of a musical nature.
We are looking forward to that, and to seeing you in the concert!